Todds Terrace, St. George, Barbados
Personal Development

A Step by Step Guide for Getting Inked Safely!

Great Expectations 

Getting a tattoo can be fun depending on your personal views and personality. For some people, the experience is all about the thrill of the needles and the permanent ink. They enjoy the sensation and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing the process. Others view it as an art form and appreciate the opportunity to express themselves through body art. In either case, getting a tattoo can be an interesting experience as long as you go into it with an open mind. 

Also, it’s very important to think carefully about the types of words and images you’re placing into your skin and which part of your body they will be placed on. After all, a tattoo is permanent! You’ll want to choose something that has personal meaning and that you won’t grow tired of looking at. It’s also important to consider the connotations of your chosen design. Some words and pictures may have negative associations that you don’t want to be permanently associated with. So, take your time in selecting a design, and make sure it’s something you’ll be happy with for years to come!

What to Expect During the Tattooing Process? 

  • When you walk into a tattoo shop, the first thing you’ll notice is the sterile environment. The floors are usually clean and the walls are covered with artwork. After you select your design, the artist will clean your skin with a disposable razor and an antiseptic solution. 
  • Next, they will transfer the stencil onto your skin. Once the stencil is in place, a thin layer of petroleum jelly will be applied to help the tattoo needle glide smoothly over your skin. The tattooing process can be somewhat painful, but most people say it feels like little more than a scratch. The artist will work quickly and skillfully to minimise any discomfort. 
  • After the tattoo is complete, the artist will apply a thick layer of ointment and wrap your skin in plastic wrap. 
Hands and object

You should expect to experience some soreness and tenderness for the first few days after the procedure, but taking extra good care of your new tattoo will aid in speeding up the healing process.

You Did it!! 

Congratulations on your new tattoo! Here are a few things to bear in mind pertaining to the healing process:

  • Your tattoo will take about 2 – 4 weeks to heal. During this time, the area will also be slightly swollen and tender for the first few days.
  • You should avoid exposing your tattoo to sunlight or water for at least the first week. After that, you can slowly introduce it to activities like swimming or sunbathing. However, it is always best to use sunscreen when exposing your tattoo to sunlight.
  • It is normal for your tattoo to peel and flake during the healing process. Allow it to shed its outer layer of skin naturally. Don’t pick!
  • Remember that itching is all part of the healing process.
  • If you experience any redness, swelling, or pain that lasts longer than a few days, please consult your doctor or tattoo artist. With proper care, your tattoo will heal quickly and beautifully!

Good Maintenance Habits

It’s important to take care of your new ink properly in order to avoid infection and ensure that the healing process goes well. Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Keep the area clean. Gently wash the tattoo with soap and water several times a day. Be sure to pat the area dry afterwards.
  • Apply a thin layer of topical ointment or lotion. This will help to keep the area moisturised and prevent the tattoo from drying out. Just be sure not to go overboard – too much lotion can actually slow down the healing process.
  • Avoid picking or scratching your tattoo. It may be tempting, but resist the urge! Picking can lead to infection, and it can also cause the tattoo to fade prematurely. If you start to feel itchy, try applying a cool compress instead.

How do you Know if your Tattoo is Infected?

If you’ve got a new tattoo, it’s important to keep an eye out for infection. While most tattoos heal without any problems, it’s still possible for bacteria to get into the skin and cause an infection. 

So, how do you know if your tattoo is infected?

  • One of the most common signs of an infected tattoo is prolonged redness or swelling around the area. If you see these signs, it’s important to contact your tattoo artist or doctor right away. 
  • Other signs of an infection include inflammation or discharge from the tattoo, pain or tenderness, and fever. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical treatment immediately.

Treating an infected tattoo is important to avoid complications. Treatment typically involves a course of antibiotics, but in some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the infected tissue. If you think your tattoo may be infected, don’t hesitate to contact a medical professional for help.

What are the Risks of Getting a Tattoo? 

Getting a tattoo is a big decision. Not only are you making a permanent change to your appearance, but they are health risks to consider. There are several potential risks associated with getting a tattoo, including infection, allergic reaction, and swelling.

Infection: The risk of infection is highest during the first two weeks after getting your tattoo. Be sure to clean the tattooed area regularly with soap and water and apply an antibacterial ointment if prescribed by your doctor.

Allergic reaction: Some people may be allergic to the ink used in tattoos, which can cause redness, itching, and swelling. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Swelling: It is normal for the tattooed area to swell immediately after the service. Apply ice (never directly to your skin) to the area for 20 minutes at a time to help reduce swelling. If the swelling persists or is accompanied by pain, contact your doctor.

Be sure to do your research and consult with your doctor before making this decision.

Can Tattoos be Removed? If so, how? 

Though once considered permanent, tattoos can now be removed with a variety of techniques. The type of removal method used will depend on the tattoo’s size, location, age, and colour. For instance, older tattoos are often harder to remove than newer ones. The same is true for multicoloured tattoos, as each individual colour may require a different removal method. Some of the most common tattoo removal techniques include laser removal, dermabrasion, and excision

  • Laser removal works by breaking up the ink with pulses of intense light. This technique is often used for small, superficial tattoos. 
  • Dermabrasion involves sanding down the top layers of skin to remove the tattoo. 
  • Excisions are typically reserved for larger tattoos; the tattoo is cut out and the skin is sutured. 

While tattoo removal is becoming increasingly commonplace, it’s important to remember that the process can be expensive, time-consuming, and sometimes painful. Therefore, it’s important to think carefully before making any decisions to get a tattoo – after all, it may be easy to get, but not easy to get rid of. 

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