Todds Terrace, St. George, Barbados
Personal Development

Pursuing Your Purpose! (Part 1)

Practical Insights from Dr. Eddie Connor

(The following article is based on a Rethink Network interview. Part 1 of a 3-Part Series)

Introducing Dr. Connor

Dr. Eddie Connor is an influential and renowned Empowerment Speaker. With a multifaceted background, he not only holds the title of College Professor but also excels as a radio and TV correspondent, as well as a prolific best-selling author with 16 published books. 

Driven by his vision, he has spearheaded the Access Identity Conference and established the Eagles Academy. Dr. Connor’s expertise extends to facilitating master classes encompassing faith, identity, relationships, and speaker training sessions. He also served as the president of the National Entrepreneurs Association of Michigan. 


What is Purpose?

In the words of Dr. Eddie Connor, Purpose can be defined as the distinct essence of your being, akin to a unique blueprint or thumbprint. It encompasses the profound answers to fundamental questions such as “What makes me, me?… Who am I?… Why do I do what I do?” Recognising our purpose entails understanding that each of us has been specifically created for a particular reason within a specific era of human history, destined to tackle a unique problem. In essence, we are like seeds divinely planted by God, awaiting the moment to blossom precisely where we have been positioned. 

Purpose, therefore, resonates with the underlying “why” behind our existence. While a job may be the thing that we are compensated for, our true calling and purpose lie in what we are inherently designed for. Dr. Connor stated that there are people eagerly waiting for us to walk into who we are called to be, as it is through the fulfilment of our purpose that they too can become who they’re supposed to be. This is the profound journey of connecting with our purpose and embracing our true identity.

The Importance of Identifying Purpose 

Dr. Connor perceives that discovering purpose involves embarking on an inward journey of inductive exploration. It entails reevaluating ourselves and contemplating questions such as:

  • What truly ignites my passion?
  • What really sparks my energy?
  • What wakes me up in the morning?
  • What really generates the energy and the passion behind what I do? 

Whether you are creating, writing music, singing, organising conferences, authoring books, or any other path one may choose, the quest for purpose transcends financial incentives and taps into the core of our being. Dr. Connor believes that our purpose lies in what we would wholeheartedly engage in, even if there were no monetary rewards involved. He alludes to the notion that no amount of payment could ever equate to the true worth and value of our pursuits. 30-minute to hour-and-a-half-long segments can only represent a fraction of the time and effort invested and our years of dedication. Therefore Dr. Eddie contends that our passion and the fire that burns within us are the driving forces behind our actions, regardless of any external remuneration attached.

Practical Steps to Finding Purpose


For starters, “write the vision down and make it plain so that he may run who reads it”Habakkuk 2:2. According to Dr. Myles Munroe – “Vision is purpose in pictures.” Being inspired by these truths, Dr. Connor was compelled to materialise his purpose in a tangible form by sketching it out, meticulously crafting a timetable. 


By writing the vision and making it plain, it literally goes from p-l-a-i-n to p-l-a-n-e. This gives us the ability to soar and take flight. For a plane to take off, it has to go in circles. By doing this, it is gaining the momentum to take off. During moments when our lives seem to be going in circles, the temptation to abandon all efforts is present. However, it is precisely during these moments that we have a chance to build momentum. 

A divorce, for instance, could make us go in circles but it also presents an opportunity to gather momentum. Likewise, negative behaviours and harmful habits may also become catalysts for acceleration. Even the wounds inflicted by our parents, the traumas we’ve endured, the trials we face, and the triggers we encounter; all of these can serve as stepping stones for momentum. 


What is also imperative, is having a blueprint. Here are some questions and solutions to help lay a solid foundation:  


  • What are my goals?
  • What am I good at doing?
  • What are the challenges that I face?
  • How do I take my goals and my vision and create an action plan surrounding them?


  • This is what I’m going to do in the upcoming three months.
  • This is what I’m going to do in the next 6 months.
  • This is how I will hold myself accountable.
  • This is how I’m going to remain dedicated to honouring my commitments.

Without these actions, everything else becomes ethereal and mystical – a mere product of wishful thinking and procrastination. It is crucial to recognise that a plan is not a mere wish; it requires action and proactive steps toward its fulfilment. Equally important is the belief that drives us to put in the necessary effort to make it happen.

The Purpose-Driven Mind: Unlocking Your Full Potential through Purposeful Thinking

Dr. Connor strongly believes the way you do anything will reflect the way you do everything. You must have a mindset of excellence or nothing at all. There is a quote that suggests that each of us is adorned with a crown over our heads which one day we’ll grow tall enough to wear. Predominantly, growth is viewed as just physical, but it’s also intellectual, psychological, spiritual, and mental. If our growth was limited to only the physical realm, we would remain as “grown infants”, falling short of advancing into the mode of genuine maturity and personal growth. 

Personal growth and pursuit of purpose require an introspective process of inductive study, where we reconsider, recreate, and resource our identity. It also entails reparenting ourselves in areas where we may have lacked nurturing. This transformative journey encompasses both accountability and vulnerability, fostering growth and emotional intelligence.

As we transition out of the month of May (Mental Health Awareness Month), it’s important to remember that mental health awareness should be a continuous focus in our lives. Regular self-check-ins become essential for assessing our experiences, actions, and areas for improvement. Identifying factors in our lives that may be faltering allows us to elevate and uplift them. In the multitude of counsellors, there is safety. Therefore, surrounding ourselves with those who can provide us with the right type of guidance and mentorship is crucial. It helps us reflect on our experiences, learn from them, and grow into better individuals.

The key to all of this lies in holistic development. In life, we encounter people who are great financially but are terrible in relationships. Then others are great in their relationships but are lacking in their administrative gifts. Therefore, Dr. Connor is firm in believing that this is where delegation and mentorship come into play, building a support network of people who can help us identify the blind spots we cannot necessarily see ourselves. 

Look out for Part 2 as Dr. Connor delves into personal challenges and the importance of overcoming them on the path to fulfilling purpose.

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